The Truth About Servants


Isn’t it amazing how much JUNK you can accumulate around the house?  I gathered up all the stuff that has no purpose, put it on the front porch and called a local charity to pick it up. The next afternoon, I sat on the front steps with the book I was reading, my cup of coffee (in my favorite cup), and my NEW running shoes. 

My intention was to finish the chapter I was reading while I enjoyed the last few sips of coffee, then, put on my new running shoes and run.  Good plan, until the phone interrupted. The phone call took longer than I thought it would. Finally, I headed back to the front porch to drink the last sip of coffee, put on my running shoes and run. 

To my dismay, the charity truck had come while I was in the house and taken not only the STUFF, but my running shoes, my book AND my favorite coffee cup! The feeling of betrayal was overwhelming. I’d freely given of my excess and in return they had taken all I had! 

Sometimes, when we serve God, we feel the same sense of betrayal.  We freely give God our time, our finances and our talents.  Having given all we expect God to reward us for our generosity. We forget that everything we have is God’s to start with. Without His blessings and mercy, we would have nothing.  

When we truly commit our lives to Christ, it means that we allow God to use us anyway He wants to for any purpose He desires at any time He chooses. When we draw a line around our talents and possessions giving only what we think is necessary, we put limits on what God can do through us AND for us.  *) 

Make it your heart’s desire to be a profitable servant, a servant who willingly goes the “extra mile.” Don’t hold back anything from God. Then he will be free to pour out His blessings on you.  

Matthew 20:26-27  Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave;  just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many.’



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